Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chapter 2 - What's Going On ?!

"What is that ?" they looked towards dark figured head . The moon light shines and they saw a giant wolf-like monster on it's 2 feet with armoured claw equipped on both of its hand or paw . It growled aggressively and jumped up high with it's left claw aiming at Daisuke . "Storm Gust" was heard heard at their back and a gust of wind blows the monster far away at the same time .

We were shocked and quickly turn to see who did that gust of wind . A human seemingly with under a hood and holding a magical staff in the air also in some kind of sage clothes with a magic circle glowing around her.

"Get out of here if you wish to stay alive " she said . Misaki wanted to say something but Daisuke quickly held her hand and said "You heard her , let's make a run for it" so they ran for safety . Mean while , the sage girl smiled and looked back at the monster as it land on the ground again with its left claw broken . It didn't fight back with the girl but "it's chasing us again ?!" she said as Daisuke and Misaki kept running in panic .

She then appeared once again but in front of the monster with another spell after chanting "Razor Breeze " and a bunch of sharp harden leaves with a strong wind surrounds the monster in mid-air slashing it at every angle . "Bye bye "as she said with another spell "Thunder Bolt" a ball of lightning reached the monster in a matter of seconds and a blast exploded that monster and it disappeared into small black particle that slowly shrinks into the air and is no longer visible anymore .

She landed on the ground no longer levitating herself in mid-air . They were watching the monster slowly disappears then looked at her . With a wave of her staff , she was in a sphere of strong wind . Daisuke quickly asked " Who are you ?! " in a loud manner . She smiled and replied " We shall meet again , I guarantee" as the wind blows stronger , they had to cover their eyes and then she disappeared into thin air as well and no signs were left of her .

-To Be Continued -

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