Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chapter 2 - What's Going On ?!

"What is that ?" they looked towards dark figured head . The moon light shines and they saw a giant wolf-like monster on it's 2 feet with armoured claw equipped on both of its hand or paw . It growled aggressively and jumped up high with it's left claw aiming at Daisuke . "Storm Gust" was heard heard at their back and a gust of wind blows the monster far away at the same time .

We were shocked and quickly turn to see who did that gust of wind . A human seemingly with under a hood and holding a magical staff in the air also in some kind of sage clothes with a magic circle glowing around her.

"Get out of here if you wish to stay alive " she said . Misaki wanted to say something but Daisuke quickly held her hand and said "You heard her , let's make a run for it" so they ran for safety . Mean while , the sage girl smiled and looked back at the monster as it land on the ground again with its left claw broken . It didn't fight back with the girl but "it's chasing us again ?!" she said as Daisuke and Misaki kept running in panic .

She then appeared once again but in front of the monster with another spell after chanting "Razor Breeze " and a bunch of sharp harden leaves with a strong wind surrounds the monster in mid-air slashing it at every angle . "Bye bye "as she said with another spell "Thunder Bolt" a ball of lightning reached the monster in a matter of seconds and a blast exploded that monster and it disappeared into small black particle that slowly shrinks into the air and is no longer visible anymore .

She landed on the ground no longer levitating herself in mid-air . They were watching the monster slowly disappears then looked at her . With a wave of her staff , she was in a sphere of strong wind . Daisuke quickly asked " Who are you ?! " in a loud manner . She smiled and replied " We shall meet again , I guarantee" as the wind blows stronger , they had to cover their eyes and then she disappeared into thin air as well and no signs were left of her .

-To Be Continued -

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 1 - A New Semester , A New Life

~Daisuke's Introduction~
This is Daisuke Kazuya and his at the age of 13 and starting his first year student at Magistrel Academy . He don't really know his past or have any memories of anything that has happened before the age of 10 .

It was a cooling day , when a girl , who was the same age as Daisuke as well, playing at a garden and saw him sitting on a bench alone . She questioned him on simple questions but without a single answer with a blank face on Daisuke . She knew that he had no place to go , so her family took him in and here he is at Magistrel Academy. He was named Daisuke as there was a pin that he was wearing that had the name which had a symbol of a magic circle on it which hold some secret that are yet to be untold .


It was a bright early morning and the bright morning Sun shines at Daisuke as he was sleeping and he was wearing a red T-shirt with blue strips and grey short pants sleeping the other way around with the blanket on the floor and me hugging onto my pillow " Go back to sleep Sun , It's still early " he said mumbling on how bright it is and it wasn't the end of it as the alarm clock was ringing as well " Can't I get a quiet sleep ?! " as he covered his ears with the pillow .
All of the sudden , All of the sudden same girl he met since he was 5 pounced onto him on the bed " I guess not ... " he said .
~Misaki's Introduction~
This is Misaki Kazuya who is like a sis to me and at the same age as well , she is a nice person and over-protective towards me since I am like a younger brother, she may go too far sometimes but I still like her .

She keeps jumping on the Daisuke's bed yelling" Wake Up , Wake Up , Wake Up !" continuously until Daisuke seriously had to woke up " Alright already , you didn't had to jump onto me and on the bed ... " he said as he got up while she is still sitting on the bed . " Why do I have to get up so early today ? " he asked curiously . " Don't tell me you forgotten ?! Today is the entrance ceremony ... " she looked at him seriously while he was brushing his teeth . " Oh ya ... I forgot ... " he thought " Of cause not ha ha..ha..." he lied . " Well just get ready , I have gotten ready already and wear your jacket cause it is cold outside " she said as he just noticed her clothes are already beneath her jacket .

~Magistrel's Principle & Teacher Introduction~
Daisuke and Misaki are in the same class as expected , Class 1-A . Misake's ... actually ...their grandfather is the principle of the school , Yuudai Kazuya , who's famous among the whole academy of Magistrel . The students usually get to see him all around the school every time trying to escape from his paperwork and assistant , Nao Sakuraba or Nao-sensei .
Their class teacher was a nice guy , Takahate Sukahana or Takahate-sensei , and his teacher buddy was a pretty lady , Yusaka Kiwashio or Yusaka-sensei, they are also famous teachers that students really likes them . It wasn't a bad time at class though ,the students of the class are a bit different then expect as it was like something was different about them and it was only their class it seems but Daisuke could not be bothered as Misaki is occupying me at all times ... .
The school bell rang and classes were over and all the students left their classroom .Daisuke and Misaki walked back to their dorm that they share . It was about to get dark as they were walking after buying some snacks ,Daisuke felt something strange as there was like a dark presence behind them .Then ,Misaki pulled onto Daisuke's jacket and whispered "Did you felt something strange ? " she whispered while holding onto his jacket harder .He guessed they felt the same thing and Daisuke whispered back "Let's run for it , 3...2...1 !" They ran as quick as they could as the presence was getting nearer .
Crash ! A large dark figure appeared before them with large bright shining red eye glaring at Daisuke and Misaki .What shall their fate become of , life or death ? Find out on the next chapter
-To Be Continued-

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Welcome To The Vision Of My World Of Imagination
This is my first time blogging so hope you enjoy your stay .
Please wait for the next post as it's going to be the first chapter of the story that I have ever made on the internet by me , so I hope you enjoy it .
Thanks for viewing my blog as well to everyone.
Note To All Who Reads My Blog Just To Understand
Word in different colors means differently and what it means;
Red : Introductions or Flashback
Yellow : This is a charater speaking with the text bold
Pink : A character's thought written in italic
Green : I am the Narrator
To be continued on the next post , Not XD