Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chapter 3 - Mitsuki Yagami's A Mage ?!

~In The Morning~
Yesterday was the Entrance Ceremony and it was only a day to interact so that student could get to know each others better though for Daisuke and Misaki .. they are already popurlar thanks to their grandfather .Misaki seems to be fine today even after what happened that day...with that person ...who was that ?

~Another Day~

It's is a new day and as usual ,Daisuke got woken up by Misaki once again ."Jeez ,you didn't have to be so rough to me as well as changing my clothes" he said as he was blushing due Misaki changing his clothes halfway while he was asleep ."What so bad about me changing your clothes ?Don't I usually do that for you when we were kids ?" she said as she smiled who was all set to go .

Daisuke wore his jacket still embarrassed "That was when we were kid ,I can change on my own now" he said as he closed the door of their dorm . "Hmm if that's so true ,then why can't you even wear your jacket properly?" she said with a playful voice pointing to his jacket. "What do you mean?" he asked curiously and noticed that he skipped a single button "Ah.." . Misaki unbuttoned his jacket and did it properly this time while she said "See ,you can't even dress yourself properly .Shesh..." . Daisuke apologized and thanked causing Misaki to smile "That's more like it" as they walked to the academys class area.

As soon as they reached there ,many senior students was all around the area with club invitation flier and the freshmen student were all surrounded .Daisuke and Misaki as well until they got separated by the cause of the Kendo Club for males and Baking Club for females .They kept giving the same answer to all the clubs invitation "Sorry I don't really feel like joining any club..." and finally got back together though it continued during recess as well .

After all that has happened during the event and those two didn't join any ,just walked around the campus chatting with Misaki about deciding what clubs to join during recess with no ideas at all and Misaki ended up meeting her friend and Daisuke was told to go ahead to look around the new campus that finished it's construction last year .

At a field filled with flower bushes all around was a girl that Daisuke saw as he passed-by and guessing by her uniform she was a student of the campus as well .But Daisuke just ignore her and walked along and then heard her said "How long are you going to hide?" causing Daisuke to be confused "What did she meant by that ,is she talking to herself ?" . Daisuke stared at her at noticed a shadow was forming that doesn't look human but a beast and it was coming from above as the shadow slowly got smaller as it was reaching the ground and it looked the same as the monster that was seen yesterday just

It made Daisuke to react quickly and ran towards her as he shouted out towards her "Get away from there !" . She turned around quickly and was startled by Daisuke "Your the one to run! " she quickly ran towards Daisuke and chanted some spell "Artifact " and her entire clothes changed into the same one as the girl Daisuke saw yesterday .

Daisuke was tackled away from where he was going to sliced off by the monster's claws and the girl felt weird "Why would it aim for him?" as she was on top of Daisuke still . Daisuke was shocked and noticed that she looked almost the same as the person he met yesterday then said "Ah ,you are from that day .Who are you?" but she quickly got off him and grabbed his hand along with her reply "Leave the questions for later and live !" then began running .

No matter how quick they ran ,the monster could still chased them while those two were already losing their breathe . She then pushed Daisuke forward and turned around facing the monster as she chants a spell ,a magic circle appeared below her and the wind suddenly gets stronger and her staff appear from the wind and pushes back the monster till it fell .It was persistent and used is claw and aimed at her .

Daisuke quickly tackled onto her and had a cut on his leg "Damn ,it hurts" at the same time he saw her face . She quickly got up with an angry look and said "You just stay there ,Daisuke" and knowing that because the principle is his father he knew knew the answer was obvious and noticed the monster was coming at her again .He quickly shouted "Watch out!" .She smirked and said "Dont worry" and the monster was bind by the wind "Now ...I am going to kill you!" without a last spell and it destroyed the monster in an instant with a "Thunder Bolt" and it was soon over .

She walked towarads Daisuke and noticed the injuries was severely critical so she brought her to her dorm in a flash with a teleportation spell and carried me onto her bed then quickly tried to heal the wound but it didn't close up yet so she bandage it for him instead . "Sorry I got you into this but I wasn't expecting you to be able to see me..." she said . I showed a confused face and she came closer to my face and asked "Do you even recognize me ?" .Daisuke thought about it and flashback and remembered .The girl was finally recognized as she was in the same class as well "Your Mitsuki Yagami ?" Daisuke said and she then replied "Bingo" with a smile .

What more surprises will occur Daisuke's life is going to change tremendously .Find out on the next chapter
-To Be Continued-